Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Are you thirsty?

I'm trying something new, I have added the ELCA's Daily Bible reading to the sidebar of the blog. Then, I'll work on responding to the reading each day.

Today, Feb. 27th, the reading is: John 7:14-31, 37-39

Jesus is once again trying to define himself as the Messiah to those people who should be prepared to recieve him.

But they are not ready. Not for this Messiah.

Are you ready for the Christ?

Are you looking for someone who will answer all your prayers "yes", and support the course that you have set for your life?
Are you looking for a guardian angel who follows behind you and makes sure you don't stumble?
Are you looking for a bottle of water that never runs dry?

Christ will come and remind you that he follows God's plan, not ours. Jesus will walk with you and lead you, in right pathways, not necessarily the ones you choose.

Jesus calls us to drink deeply of the water of life, and care for the waters of creation.

no matter who you are looking for in Christ, Christ is looking for you, just the way you are.

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