Monday, March 17, 2008

The house was filled with the fragrance.

John 12:1-11: the reading for Monday of Holy Week, 2008.

Mary, in this case presumably Lasarus' sister, bring the big bottle of expensive nard to anoint Jesus. Mary was the one who sat at Jesus' feet and listened while her sister fussed over the soup. She broke the bottle and poured the whole thing on Jesus' feet.

The house was filled with the fragrance.

What fragrance is your house filled with this week?

Corned Beef? (it is St. Patrick's Day today)

Hot Crossed Buns?

Wiggly Children? (if it's Spring Break)



Jesus fills our heats and minds with Hope, even in the midst of fear and darkness.

The housing market is on the edge of collapse.

The stock market is not far behind.

The church budget is way behind.

Nothing is certain anymore.

Except Death, and Taxes.

Except that Death has been defeated, and we don't have to fear death any more. Christ rose from the dead so that we will have eternal life. Even though our mortal bodies must die, at least that gets rid of the taxes!

May the fragrance of Hope in Eternal Life fill your House.

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